Why Vulvar/Vagina Hygiene Is So Important? Top 7 Tips to Keep Away From Getting Infection

Society is only getting to the point where it will be normal to talk about genitals and sexual health openly. Lack of transparency causes plenty of misconceptions making people think about some “weird” characteristics of female genitals that turn out to be completely normal. Therefore, females often strive to cure absolutely normal processes or take care of their hygiene in the wrong way in a strive for genital beauty standards. Keep reading this article as we will disclose 15 tips for maintaining proper hygiene and protest your sexual health from infection.

What Is the Best Age to Start Taking Care of Personal Hygiene?

The answer to this question is quite short and clear: as earlier – as better. If you have a child, then start teaching her personal hygiene from the first attempts to take care of herself. Yet, even some adults are not fully aware of how to maintain a safe environment.

Top 7 Tips for Your Hygiene 

Do you think you already know all of the basics of personal hygiene? Then check out this list to make you are not missing any essential information:

1. Do not use douches unless recommended by a health care provider

Right, there is no need to use douches every day. It may cause damage to its microflora and destroy “good” bacteria, which maintain the perfect pH balance in the vagina.

2. Keep the genital area (vulva) clear

Just a reminder that “vulva” states for

to the outer parts that include:

  • Clitoris
  • Clitoral hood
  • Vaginal lips

Also, stick to some basic rules when it comes to the washing process:

  1. Wash the vulva with warm water
  2. Wash the area between the vulva and anus
  3. Avoid letting water or soap inside the vagina

3. Do not use perfumes

The natural scent of clear skin is completely normal. It also concerns the genital area. There is no need to use perfumes there. We recommend not becoming a victim of marketing and keeping away from using them to prevent any irritation.
The odor from the genitals may have multiple possible smells depending on the diet and menstrual cycle, and even lifestyle. But it’s a concern only if it’s awful, as it may indicate potential STD infection. Yet, perfumes won't cure it, so if that’s the case, an appointment with a healthcare provider is due.

4. Wipe yourself from front to back
Apply this rule when cleaning yourself after the toilet or sex. It’s important to minimize the risks of harmful bacteria entering the vagina. It may help to avoid yeast infection contagious and unpleasant effects related to it.

5. Pee after sex
Right, it is not a school myth but a really good idea. It may help to avoid getting inflammations. But can a yeast infection spread? Well, it is unlikely to spread to your parties as it is caused by parasites. Germs can enter your urinary tract, which is a small opening immediately above your vagina, during sex. Peeing after sex aids in the removal of pathogens from the inside.

6. Wear cotton underwear
Right, organic fabrics can “breath,” meaning that they let air in and out, especially during hot summer days. Cotton panties are perfect for the health of the genitals, while nylon and other synthetic fabrics can cause irritation.

7. Don't wear sweaty clothes
There is no better environment for bacteria to multiply in which than when it is dark, warm, and humid. So in case you are going to swim –- pick a pair of dry panties to wear afterward.

Women’s Health Test in Miami

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